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June 27, 2006



At 5'7" and 206 I didn't realize I was clinically obese until I calculted my BMI one day. I knew I was overweight - but obese? No way.

Since then I've lost 65 pounds on low-carb and am a healthy weight, though I want to lose a few more pounds still. :) I like myself and what my body can do now. No way am I going back!

yin yin wu


I'm writing an article for the stanford science magazine concerning obesity and ethics and would like to use the image of the thin person stuck within the fat body. Your permission and the name with which you would like the picture to be credited with would be very appreciated.


Yin Yin Wu





Sam Lawday

I would like to use the picture of thin man within the small man for a school project, but I need permission and you would be acknowledged and so would that be ok
many thanks


I would like your permission to use the picture of the thin person within the fat, candy-filled body for a college project. If you could repond as soon as possible; it will be deeply appreciated.




I would like to thank you for the wonderful raised by the topic,

Excuse me, I ask that you help,

I am pharmaceutical student at the university, the project graduated from obesity.

If you have any ideas or suggestions I hope you benefit.

This is like Stuie that the deadline for delivery of the project at the end of May 2008, so I hope to respond to accelerate if this is possible.

Greetings to you

Rebecca D.

I'm a nursing student at McMaster University and I'm doing a health fair about diet and i would like your permission to use the picture of the thin person within the fat person as one of my display pictures.

Thank You
Rebecca D.


The picture of the thin person inside the obese person is excellent. I am a doctoral student studying childhood obesity and the food environment and would like to request permission to use the picture in my powerpoint presentations about this topic matter.

Thanks so much!



My name is Kanapon . I'm freshbaked doctor ( 1 yr work )
I'm really interesting about Obesity problem ,So I wana know that if I interest in this problem What Speciality that I should be apply for .

If u reading this one . Please send the answer by email.

Thank u very much

( sorry for my stupid english )

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Excellent article. I never thought of myself as obese and now I realize that I am. I'm starting on a weight loss journey and is maintaining a blog throughout the entire process. That picture of a thin person stuck in an obese body represents exactly how I feel. I'm requesting permission to use it. A response via email would be appreciated. Thank you.



I would also like to use the picture of thin man within the small man for a school feature article on obesity affecting children. but I would need your permission and you will also be acknowledged.

thanks a bunch Elisa!


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